hey guys ! i'm at 460 i got ahead of myself and prepared most of the documents. I have been a public high school teacher for 8 years . it's a full time job but the actual teaching hours are just 14 . the issue here is that our ministry of education does not specify work hours in any of the official documents. I managed to convice my boss (school director) to sign a reference letter that mentions the job description, annual salary, years of experience and that it's a full time job and that includes his e-mail and personal and professional work numbers .Yet he refused to add the estimated number of work hours which would be around 40 hours ( preparing lessons a,d exams , correcting exams, meetings etc ) . Besides i have salary slips , other official documents signed by the ministy of education like an annual salary, work and experience certificates. i'm also thinking of including a letter of explanation.
Do you think this is enough ?