Hey guys,
Just thought I would share my timeline here if it helps anyone else. Also, feel free to let me know your thoughts!
CEC Inland Application, no dependents.
ITA: March 6, 2019
AoR: April 9, 2019
MEP: May 22, 2019
Note: Right after this my background check changed to "We are processing your background check. We will send you a message if we need more information" Not sure if this means I went straight to IP2 and skipped IP1?
Update by Email: May 23, 2019 (I think this was for passing the medical, it just showed up a day later in my inbox. Apparently, this is very normal and people usually get this update a day after medical passed reflects on their application)
Ghost Update: May 29,2019. My application said it has been updated but none of the fields had changed.
There was no email for this. Again, not sure what this means and which stage I'm at.
Thanks and good luck to you all with your applications