Dear Concerned,
Today on 17th Feb 2016, I have got my ECA report from ICAS Canada for my MBA from sikkim manipa university. It has taken them six months to render this report. Important shareable experiences and information is:
1. I had email exchanges with ICAS before sending papers where i was told - " Thank you for your enquiry. For postsecondary study completed in India, we will accept only the following

egrees awarded by institutions which were
recognized by the UGC at the time of admission, Programs recognized by the AICTE at the time of admission, Qualifications awarded by State Boards of Technical Education. It is your responsibility to determine whether your qualifications fulfill our requirements. If they do, then we can assess them. We strongly suggest that you submit all postsecondary qualifications for assessment, not just your highest qualification, to help us prepare the most meaningful report for your purposes." I had done some research on the recognition of SIKKIM MANIPAL and found out that on june 2012, high court has stated in a decision that "distance education from sikkim maipal should be regarded as recognized. My admission was after this order date in fact was in June 2012 itself.
2. I
only sent my masters degree papers. paid the fee for ECA, got the request letter, sent the request letter to university for transcripts to be directly sent to ICAS along with the letter, got all my mark sheets and degree certificate copies attested by a notary (even empty back sides of papers written as "empty") and sent them to ICAS.
3. I
kept regular conversation with ICAS via email while waiting, I was told that my papers were received in completeness on 4th august 2015 so that is treated as my start date for waiting of 25weeks. The report was finally received by me (email not hard copy as yet) on 17th Feb 2016.
4. My timeline at ICAS login: *note that 4th august does not reflect in my timeline.
The following list shows the current state of your application. For further information, contact the ICAS office.
Date Event
02/11/2016 Assessment Report ready for editing
02/04/2016 Assessment in Progress
09/03/2015 Application reviewed for completeness and placed in queue for assessment
09/03/2015 Additional Info / Documents Received
09/02/2015 Additional Info / Documents Received
08/05/2015 Additional Info / Documents Received
07/29/2015 Documents reviewed, awaiting official documents
07/28/2015 Additional Info / Documents Received
07/11/2015 Application Received
so hope that quenches some anxiety of interested.
best of luck to all