Writing : my view is writing is all about understanding the format. I did not use any fancy English words but rather focused on answering what is being asked. Few youtube channels like Liz and Jay are helpful, but would suggest not to follow it blindly

Reading : This section is easiest of all. The only way I found to master this section is to undertake 2-3 listening tests regularly each day.
Listening : Again like reading, this section is all about solving 3-4 tests regularly each day. This section requires utmost attention so you have to build that characteristic if you find it difficult to concentrate.
Speaking : This is straight forward. Just answer whatever is being asked. No need to use powerful words, only fluent and correct English is expected.
I would suggest, do practice entire test - writing ( 1 essay, 1 letter), 1 reading test and 1 listening test at the end of each day ( with timing same as actual IELTS test would take place). Additionally whenever you get spare time, practice reading and listening section. For speaking you can practice speaking on different topics for 2 mins, record and then sort out which aspect of speaking needs correction (fluency, pronunciation, sentence construction etc).
I followed this religiously for 1.5 months. If you have any specific query, I will try to answer. Best Luck for your IELTS