This is very confusing. All of a sudden you have 12K more income. Profit from your business is not income unless you are paid and added to your personal income taxes. Most business owners keep most of the money in their business to lower their tax rate and have operating capital but then you can't claim that money as your income. In terms of the 50K, your child is not old enough to have that much money in an account like an RDSP so you are either filing taxes for your son and it is in an unregistered account or it is in your own name. On another note you should get out of mutual funds the fees are too high. I don't know what province you live in but you don't seem to have started any autism therapy if you don' know what the costs will be. Maybe you are on a wait list. Autistic children can easily use 50-100K/year in therapy. In Ontario the Ford government is now just giving parents 8-20K/year to hire their own therapy and pay out of pocket for the rest. In other provinces you wait on the wait list for 2-5 (or longer) years until you finally qualify for provincial funding. Before then most parents try to pay for as much therapy as they can afford because therapy before age 5 is very important. Nobody here can tell you whether you will get a positive result from your H&C case. Given your previous refusals you always knew it was a possibility so you should follow your lawyer's guidance.
Hi Canuck
First of all thanks for giving me such a great information,
I agree it is confusing to understand my financial situation but I try again ..
I am in Ontario, I have one private job for 48k plus my wife earning 12k part time. And we have one business as well and we created jobs for people.
I invested for long term in Fix Gic 50k 100% beneficial is my son . I voluntary work for Ontario Autism Coalition.
I raised 100k funds for Autistic kids and give it to hospital. My son needs speech therapy at least for one year,
I also bought one property, all the receipts I attached along my file, letter from my other kid's school, from family friends, co workers,
I have written reports from many Doctors from here & from back home country.. that shows lots of health problems,
I believe I have painted right picture of my case my Lawyer says H&C its just a application not a status and only 2% chances,
Do you think so I have little weight in case or its average case?
Once again you gave me wonderful information. I'm thankful to all of you..
Waiting for your reply