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Study permit/ Age, travel history, drop out.


May 7, 2019
Hi everyone,

I am really worried about the outcome of my student visa application, and I am seeking for some advice that would ease my mind somehow.
The reasons that make me worried about my study permit are as follows:

- I have previously been studying architecture in France for 3 years and had to drop out for serious personal reasons. However, I left the country as soon as I dropped out and I don't hold any criminal record or infraction or whatsoever.

- The following year, I headed to Turkey to complete my studies, but the equivalency and the quota made that I was registered to interior architecture, and started over my undergraduate studies. I passed successfully and ended up the 2nd of my department, along with merit scholarships.

-The reason why I opted for another country after France rather than coming back home, is that in my country the high school diploma expires after 2 years, so in order to access higher education, I needed to retake the high school exam. (which is a long process)

- During my stay in Turkey, I have been approached by a recruiter from Concordia, who strongly advised me to apply which I did, and received my admission in Mdes (Master of Design) on 27th February, with a fellowship administered by the Fine Arts department.

- During the winter break, I decided to have a trip to Europe as it has been a while I haven't been there and wanted to share the experience with my Turkish friends as I have already travelled many countries while I was living there. My visa got surprisingly refused stating that I did not provide enough information regarding the purpose of my stay. (I believe I have given all the required documents, my friends got theirs, but we ended up not travelling.)

- Lately, I have been acknowledged by Concordia that I was granted a scholarship exempting me from paying tuition fees at the international rate, basically, I would be paying like a Canadian resident. ( I heard that this information should not be mentioned in the SOP, since they are looking fpr students who are more likely to invest money in the country, is that true?)

I believe for all these reasons and my age which is 26. I won't be able to get my student permit as some elements might probably discourage an officer from allowing me a permit regardless of my academical success. (Also, I have no intention to stay in Canada, I kind of half settled in Turkey for personal and professional reasons, I am just looking for doing research as I am willing to become a professor in the university I graduated from).

I would like to have your opinion and if there is anything I can do to avoid any misunderstanding from the VO while I am applying, it would be really helpful!


VIP Member
Mar 1, 2019
Mention all of these things in your SOP and answer "yes" where you are asked if you have been refused visas and explain why.

See if you can demonstrate proof of your plans to become a professor at the university you graduated, it's a tie back to your country of residence.

All you can really do is apply and see what happens. Strong letter of explanation, proof of funds, proof of plans after schooling in Canada, evidence of establishment outside Canada, all are good elements of an application.
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May 7, 2019
Mention all of these things in your SOP and answer "yes" where you are asked if you have been refused visas and explain why.

See if you can demonstrate proof of your plans to become a professor at the university you graduated, it's a tie back to your country of residence.

All you can really do is apply and see what happens. Strong letter of explanation, proof of funds, proof of plans after schooling in Canada, evidence of establishment outside Canada, all are good elements of an application.
Thanks a lot, so I believe everything will rely on how convincing my SOP can be, I already have all the other elements.
Also, I have mentioned that I have been offered a scholarship waving me from paying tuition at an international rate (through QS scholarship), should I mention that with the official document proving so, would it help my case or the opposite?
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May 7, 2019
I have completed my SOP explaining in details all the choices that I have taken for my education in the two countries I resided in, however I believe there might be a problem regarding my future study plan, as I am stating clearly that I am willing to do research and work as an academician, that is the reason why I chose a Design thesis based master rather than a course based architectural one, I believe they will question where I will be doing my phD, The thing is I have no option in my home country as interior architecture studies are not recognized, I can only join a research lab post-phD, Therefore, I will come back to my previous uni in Turkey where I got my Bachelor with honours and created a strong network with professors to complete my phD there, master was not provided in English that is why I am applying to Canada.

Ps: Although I was staying in Turkey with a student permit, there is no visa requirement between my home country and Turkey. My family can visit me anytime and vice versa. My career plan does not allow me to come back to my home country for the moment, but I still want to maintain family ties.

I don't want to be dishonest in my SOP, saying that I will work as an interior architect in my country while all my academic path does not match this goal. Would my honesty pay off or am I on the wrong track?
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VIP Member
Mar 1, 2019
It's not that you "want" to be honest in your SOP, it's that if you are not honest, you are misrepresenting and if IRCC determines you are not honest, you will be banned from Canada.

Explain in your SOP how your design thesis will help your future career. There's a reason why you chose to study design even if it's not a directly connected field to your future career - because design is connected to interior architect, you will study patterns and styles or whatever. There is a connection - you just need to explain it.
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May 7, 2019
It's not that you "want" to be honest in your SOP, it's that if you are not honest, you are misrepresenting and if IRCC determines you are not honest, you will be banned from Canada.

Explain in your SOP how your design thesis will help your future career. There's a reason why you chose to study design even if it's not a directly connected field to your future career - because design is connected to interior architect, you will study patterns and styles or whatever. There is a connection - you just need to explain it.
Yes, I do not want to misrepresent, that is why I am trying to find a proper way to explain things without creating any confusion. I know how to link my master studies to my bachelor, it follows my intention to do research.
Since I am open about continuing my education until the Ph.D., and that it is not possible in my home country because it doesn't exist, I can only practice there post Ph.D Is it still okay to say that I am coming back to my previous country of residence after Canada? Even though I was not a citizen of that country. This is my main concern...

Thank you for your feedback though, I appreciate.
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VIP Member
Mar 1, 2019
They'll expect you to explain how you're leaving Canada at the end of your studies. They don't really care where, but going back to your country of residence makes sense.
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May 7, 2019
Oh if they don't care where then it's fine! My country of residence does not require a visa.(I will just need to re-enroll to my old university for Ph.D.and get a new student permit) Maybe if I provide them with a letter from the professor I am planning to assist after completion of my master, it would help I guess...


VIP Member
Mar 1, 2019
Yes, that's a good idea, as it shows ties to your country of residence. You mostly need to demonstrate that you have reasons to leave Canada at the end of your studies. It's often easier to prove ties to your home country (family, homes, jobs, etc) or your country of residence (for the same reason) but if you have an obligation in another country, or a job offer contingent on studies, etc., then those are ties you can prove.
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Full Member
May 8, 2019
Pls can i complete an online application even if i haven’t been replied yet for the paper application i submitted 6 weeks ago!
The paper application for those in my country are treated in dakar (senegal) while online applications are treated in france. !