Will the experienced members please advise me about what shall I do in my case?
I and my wife were introduced to each other by our parents in the month of January'19. Since then we were in constant touch, texting and calling each other on WhatsApp and Skype. In between January-April, The girl's brother(he is in Canada) visited me once and our families met twice in India. At the beginning of April, I traveled to India and me along with my family visited the girl's place. We met there in person for the first time. We both agreed to go ahead with this relationship. After a gap of one day in between, we had a small ceremony in a hotel where we exchanged rings and garlands as well. This ceremony was performed by a priest and in the presence of 30-35 of our closest relatives. A day after, we submitted the documents and the photographs of the ceremony in a local court to register our marriage and get the marriage registration certificate. All of it happened within the period of 7 days I was in India. We wanted to get the marriage certificate to get an advantage of a few months in our spouse sponsorship application.
I have a lot many photographs of the day when we met for the first time, our ring/marriage ceremony, the day she came to drop me off at the airport. Apart from this, our skype and WhatsApp conversations.
I am wondering shall I go ahead and I apply for the spouse visa now as we are officially married. Will CIC approve our application or there will be issues? Or, Shall I wait till the end of this year to have a wasteful big fat Indian wedding

and apply only after that? This will mean that we can't start our life together until the end of 2020.
What are your suggestions?