It's been six months and 47 days passed since my AOR. I am getting frustrated and tired of waiting for this endless process. I can't even estimate how long it will be taking more. I heard several unhappy news from here and there these days and it makes me sick... There are some people who obtained their PR so quick through AIPP and some of them only had to pay MONEY to the agent and the owner of the company so they can make a fake contract and work history...It's not a story that I heard from random people, it's a story that my friend was actually offered by the local company owner (he rejected it) in NS. I know I shouldn't generalize but still feel very uncomfortable. No matter what reasons, CIC should make up these delays and not blaming the applicants. I studied hard in Canada even paying the extra international fee, I worked hard and paid taxes with honesty because I want to be a good citizen in Canada and I spent so much money to settle down when I came here first and still struggling with paying rent while RICH refugees get all the benefits from the government and OWNING a nice house and car. This is not just my personal thoughts, I work closely with refugees and see them all the time. I don't know how long I can handle this situation more. Sorry about negative vibes guys but I feel like to cry today.
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