Congratulations! Can you share your mother's timeline, please?Hello dear ALL I received this letter today . I am complete frozen and I can’t even read well what I am seeing here ..
Madam, This reference to your application for Humanitarian and compassionate factors is considered for the purpose of determining whether or not to allow for an exemption from certain legislative requirements. On March 29, 2019, a representative of the Minister of Immigration of Canada (IRCC) has approved your request for an exemption from these requirements for the purpose of processing this application. 30) days of the Please confirm your current email address by writing to our office within 30 days QUEBEC-BROM or by mail to the following address:You need to meet all the other requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, as well as medical, security, passport, and your own care. In addition, as per se, it will be necessary to provide you with more information. Canada Quebec Agreement, "Quebec Certificate of Selection" (CSQ) .Therefore, our decision to grant you a ministerial exemption will be transferred to the "Ministry of Immigration, Diversity and Immigration". 'Inclusion of Quebec (MIDI). The representatives of the MIDI will contact you for the purpose of your situation. Please note that your application for permanent residence may be refused if: you and your family members meet all other requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection. and you do not respond within that period of time to your office. You may be contacted by IRCC Call Center or online at Persons in receipt of social assistance or welfare benefits, or directly or indirectly, are defined in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act as inadmissible persons.If information indicates that you are likely to meet the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Center. be interpreted as a lack of interest in permanent residence and your application could be refused. Protection Act, you will receive a letter asking for an interview with Canada in your area. A final determination on your application for permanent residence If you wish to work or study in Canada while awaiting finalization of your application for permanent residence, you must request and receive an employment or student authorization. You will need the application kit titled "Applying to Change Conditions or Extending Your Stay in Canada" or contacting the IRCC Call Center for Permanent Residence Fee (RPRF) of $ 490 per person. Principal Applicant who is a dependent child of a Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident, or dependent children of the H & C Principal Applicant and / or Protected Persons and Their Family Members. So, it is strongly recommended that you comply with this requireme nt soon as possible. of the fee is received. Prompt payment will be treated in the process of medical results. Therefore, if you have not already paid your fees online, you will need a Visa8, MasterCard8 or American Express8 credit card, and a valid email address When you are finished, you must print a receipt of payment and include it paper application. "IRCC does not accept money orders and bank drafts as payment.