Inland Landing Experience @ CIC Etobicoke
Date: 25-March-2019
Appointment Time: 11AM
CEC Inland: Primary Applicant + Spouse + Toddler
Here is
my PPR story and timeline.
7:00 AM
We woke up and got ready for the long day ahead, excited and nervous at the same time. We promised our 3-year old daughter last night that we will drive to McDonald’ for breakfast tomorrow so we reminded her about it this morning again (Just to motivate her so she gets ready faster

I guess she was also happy like us but for the breakfast
8:35 AM
Ready to hit the road. We left early to beat the morning traffic rush and unexpected delays (if any)
9:17 AM
We reached at the CIC Etobicoke office and parked our car in the basement Impark parking lot. The hourly charge is $6.00 and the max for the day is $12.00. If you are driving here, I recommend reaching there early to get a parking spot as most of the parking is occupied by monthly parkers or building occupants. We headed to the ground floor where CIC office is.
9:33 AM
We were standing at the front desk and a person handed us the token number after looking at our appointment letters. The space was not crowded at that time, and we find the space to sit. We didn’t have to wait too long for our token number to be displayed on the display boards.
9:45 AM
We went to the counter number displayed against our token number. Please note that though our appointment time was 11AM, no one raised any questions why we came 1.5 hours before. I recommend going as early as possible to avoid crowd during the latter part of the day.
A lady greeted us and asked for our appointment letters. She then asked for COPRs and Passports. She asked if the first and last entry dates are correct on COPR. It wasn’t so we told her the correct dates and she corrected them manually on all COPRs. Then she asked few questions; if I have any other spouses in other countries. I said the current one is more than enough . Then she asked if I was convicted or deported from any country, the answer was No. It took her sometime to correct the dates. Then she asked us to sign the COPRs and congratulated us. I asked her if she needs the additional photos we brought, she said it is not required as the photos on COPRs look good. I asked if she needs the RPRF receipt, she said it is not required. Then I asked if she needs our current/old work permits. She said you can keep them as souvenir

I finally asked her to validate the mailing address for the PR card delivery and she confirmed the address. She handed over the copies of COPRs and Passports. She congratulated us once again and asked us to go to Service Canada office next door to get our permanent SIN.
Another important point to note that after landing keep the copy of COPR safe as you will need it when you apply for citizenship and when you turn 65 and apply for old age pension. You cannot laminate the COPR.
10:24 AM
We rearranged all our documents and headed to the Service Canada office next door.
10:29 AM
We got the forms at Service Canada as we need to update SINs for all of us.
11:06 AM
We were called to a counter and our new SINs were created. We also took the copy of our current SINs just in case they ask for it. The person congratulated us and informed us to update the SIN with the employer.
11:28 AM
We drove to the Service Ontario nearby my home to update our health cards with the new status.
12:04 PM
We reached Service Ontario and asked the front desk lady for the Health Card forms to update them with our new status. Also got the token number.
12:47 PM
Our token number displayed, and we went to the counter. The lady asked for the forms, current health cards and COPRs. She processed them and provided the receipts. She didn’t click the pictures for the new health cards as she informed us that they will use the old health card pictures. She then punched the old health card, so they became invalid, BUT she informed that we can still make doctor’s appointment with those cards along with the receipts, and they will be valid until we get the new cards.
1:11 PM
We were out of Service Ontario and headed to our tax consultant office so that we can file the 2018 taxes with our new SINs
1:32 PM
We reached our tax consultant office and she updated the SINs while filing our taxes for 2018.
2:16 PM
We were done with all the important tasks and now is the time to fulfill the promise I made to my daughter – breakfast at McDonald’s
2:32 PM
We were sitting at a McDonald’s and enjoyed the breakfast/meals. The happiness on my daughter’s face – Priceless.
And then the most innocent question she asked – “Daddy, why are we eating breakfast so late?” (Don’t worry, she was eating throughout the day. We usually keep a bag full of her favorite snacks and meals
3:36 PM
Home Sweet Home