So I just had my last day at work today. It actually went pretty well

Had a great farewell and plenty of wishes for the future
The other day I had a long chat with my HR about my Canadian PR aspirations and he seemed cool about it. At first, I was kind of worried as to how this conversation would go but was surprised to see him being so supportive of my decision

He shared his daughter's story, who is also pursuing a Australian PR and every day he sees her so agitated and depressed waiting for a decision on her application. She too has put her life on hold by not getting married etc and that puts strain on their relationship. So he was very understanding of my situation and how tough it can be.
These days, opportunities are hard to find so when you see one coming it is best to grab it.
I was so pleased to have got a positive reaction from him

You never know how awkward these situations can get but really glad it all went well. He even joked that if IRCC calls for verification he will put in a good word that I was their best employee lol
I booked a trip to New Delhi next week to visit my uncle and his family. Will be a good change for me from all this waiting for update nonsense. So looking forward to it!! Finally, I can relax and have some peace of mind