Just saw a June applicant from Vancouver received a random/unscheduled phone call from CIC/IRCC, which turned out to be her Landing
Telephone Interview and she is expecting her CoPR in the mail. So I did some digging and found out that there is a new pilot program initiated back on Dec 1, 2017, that allows CIC/IRCC to choose certain Inland applicants to do their Landing Interview over the phone instead of inviting them to a local CIC/IRCC office in person for a Landing Interview.
See the link for more details:
The questions she was asked were her current address and the name of her sponsor's (spouse's) mother. The same CIC/IRCC agent also spoke to her spouse and asked his work address and the date they met...
Although the applicant is from Vancouver, the phone number of the agent was neither a local Vancouver nor Ontario number but a number from Winnipeg... Surprises, surprises...

Maybe the phone calls that
@satpal88 and
@skhan1002 received were the same pilot project - Landing Telephone Interview?! Can you guys please elaborate more about the calls you received?
This will definitely save a lot of time for us, especially for those who reside in the Greater Vancouver area (the slowest office in terms of scheduling landing interviews - some had to wait 3 months)