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How to get a job offer for BC PNP


Aug 8, 2017

I'm a Canadian Permanent Resident and I have a friend stateside who wants to move to BC. Based on his profile, his best bet is the BC PNP if he can get a job offer. The trick is getting that offer.

I am interested to hear if anyone has managed to go around applying for jobs in BC and then getting an offer which an employer is willing to sign off the PNP paperwork. I know a lot of employers will require a candidate has a right to work in Canada, which precludes them from being eligible for an offer in the first place. But how strict are they generally with this rule?

Are there any particular places were candidates for BC PNP can connect with employers, especially in the IT sysadmin sector who would be willing to bring someone in under the PNP?

Thanks for your help!


Star Member
Nov 13, 2018
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
Did you get an answer ?


Star Member
Feb 28, 2019
This for me is a huge catch 22, you need a job offer but 90% of employers won’t give a job to someone without a work permit, and you can’t get a WP without a job....This rules out so many PNP in my opinion!

Surely if your job is listed as ‘in demand’ you can apply and add to the application they should be able to get a LMIA easily as it’s publically know to be in deman? However the employer simply might not be bothered to do that so quite honestly, i can’t see how you get a job offer in canada...how they fill their in demand jobs god only knows....

I feel your pain...maybe try an intra company transfer? If you have an overseas office you can transfer without a LMIA on a teo year permit and boost your CRS score considerably.


Aug 8, 2017
This for me is a huge catch 22, you need a job offer but 90% of employers won’t give a job to someone without a work permit, and you can’t get a WP without a job....This rules out so many PNP in my opinion!

Surely if your job is listed as ‘in demand’ you can apply and add to the application they should be able to get a LMIA easily as it’s publically know to be in deman? However the employer simply might not be bothered to do that so quite honestly, i can’t see how you get a job offer in canada...how they fill their in demand jobs god only knows....

I feel your pain...maybe try an intra company transfer? If you have an overseas office you can transfer without a LMIA on a teo year permit and boost your CRS score considerably.
Yep, it's the most ass-backwards system I've encountered.

Fortunately my friend is a Database Admin which is as far as I know pretty highly sought after, but he doesn't have a degree. The lack of a degree is a real kicker because otherwise he'd be a shoe-in for FSW.

There isn't a LMIA needed to qualify for BC PNP as far as I'm aware, just a 'job offer', and the employer to fill out a bit of the PNP paperwork. The issue that employers might have is the time it takes to get the work permit from BC PNP/Canada. Plus, if your employer has to go though all these hoops vs. a candidate that they don't have to do this for, guess who they're gonna hire?

His company does have an office out in Ontario, but he doesn't want to go out that way.

There is https://www.vanhack.com/ which is aimed at linking up software developers with employers looking to hire from overseas, haven't seen whether that covers DBAs though.


Star Member
Feb 28, 2019
Yep, it's the most ass-backwards system I've encountered.

Fortunately my friend is a Database Admin which is as far as I know pretty highly sought after, but he doesn't have a degree. The lack of a degree is a real kicker because otherwise he'd be a shoe-in for FSW.

There isn't a LMIA needed to qualify for BC PNP as far as I'm aware, just a 'job offer', and the employer to fill out a bit of the PNP paperwork. The issue that employers might have is the time it takes to get the work permit from BC PNP/Canada. Plus, if your employer has to go though all these hoops vs. a candidate that they don't have to do this for, guess who they're gonna hire?

His company does have an office out in Ontario, but he doesn't want to go out that way.

There is https://www.vanhack.com/ which is aimed at linking up software developers with employers looking to hire from overseas, haven't seen whether that covers DBAs though.
Yeah the lack of a degree is ridiculous! Luckily my bro is Canadian otherwise he’s have no chance of gling through this process....i’m so angry with the illogic of this process, it has stressed me out so much. Have you seen the CRS point awards their just insane...my canadian brother a citizen gets me a pathetic 15-20 CRS points, that’s utterly ridiculous for a CITIZEN who wants to live in their home country with their brother...you get 50 for just working a year in canada but half for being related to a citizen...what on earth!!

How long does it take to get a WP normally? I thought BC needed a skilled job offer so that’s a huge bonus if it can be any job. You’re right about who they’d hire however if you chose a high turnover job loke a call centre (who usually recuit non stop en mass) that could be a way in for BC?

Your friends situation is frustrating, its like, here’s a guy who can do a sought after job...,oh no degree minus a whole load of CRS....there should be exemptioms for im demand jobs to get the workforce.
Have you seen the manitoba pnp? I meet all but one requirment except my canadian brother living in manitoba for a year and my job has been in demand since 2017....well surprise surprise! Who’s going to be an overseas skilled worker meet all those requirments, AND happen to have a bro or relative living in manitoba for atleast a year? Are you kidding me? No wonder they can’t fill the labour market. *facepalm*

I think the easiest thing for me is the atlantic pilot, no LMIA just a job offer and straight to PR. Thanks for the tip tip BC though.
Jan 16, 2020
if we apply from india...will the employeer from BC raise work permit or job offer
Noc code :2283(test specialist)

Adeeb H

Full Member
May 15, 2020
Yep, it's the most ass-backwards system I've encountered.

Fortunately my friend is a Database Admin which is as far as I know pretty highly sought after, but he doesn't have a degree. The lack of a degree is a real kicker because otherwise he'd be a shoe-in for FSW.

There isn't a LMIA needed to qualify for BC PNP as far as I'm aware, just a 'job offer', and the employer to fill out a bit of the PNP paperwork. The issue that employers might have is the time it takes to get the work permit from BC PNP/Canada. Plus, if your employer has to go though all these hoops vs. a candidate that they don't have to do this for, guess who they're gonna hire?

His company does have an office out in Ontario, but he doesn't want to go out that way.

There is https://www.vanhack.com/ which is aimed at linking up software developers with employers looking to hire from overseas, haven't seen whether that covers DBAs though.
So, I have a PGWP and a Canadian diploma in one of those in demand occupations. Do you think I can get job offer with these?