btw, Why did you get extra SS? is there a criteria or does it depends on where you're from? Seems like a bad way to discriminate against some countries. I have a UK passport so I can enter Canada without a visa anyway but still taking me 8 months now..
Another question, how long before your PGWP expired did you get apply your BOWP? Im trying to delay it as much as possible. My PGWP expires end of June so im holding out until maybe may to do it.. trying not to waste $250.
Well there is no definite answer of when they send a person to SS, but they are some factors (red flags) that increase the chance, like being from certain regions, studying STEM, having past military service, extensive travel to some places, etc. For me, it was mainly because I am from Iran.
Probably Iranian applicants have the highest percentage of SS among all other nationalities, so I was kindda expecting that.
I applied for BOWP 3 months before expiry of my PGWP. It is still under process and I am still not sure when I should withdraw it.
For you, I would say wait as much as you can, like maybe early June. Hopefully, you will hear back from them soon, way before than June