Same. No news after medicals passed. Congrats to all
I didn't get the email yet, but I am pretty sure we sent the wrong police certificates.
This is A HELPFUL PAGE I wish I found before: You can check what background / police document is required for each country. How did I miss this?
We assumed any old police check will do and went to a local office for background check but (of course), like everything else with this process, there are designated places where official background checks can be done and
only certificates issued from there are valid ones accepted with Canadian Sponsorship Applications. Of course!

CIC will likely email us about this issue of not having the proper police check. +
Since the document will be in Spanish, it will require certified translation.
Should I wait for the request for additional documents to arrive or be proactive and get the document ready? My heart sank when I realized we sent wrong ones, and I wonder if I am risking application rejection!
We did the wrong police background checks for PA (husband) + mom n dad just to "cover all the bases" even tho they aren't even listed dependents (wanted to show husband comes from a good, non-crime committing family); we had all 3 pages certified translated at $300 Canadian dollars. (Complete waste of $ as these were the wrong police forms altogether). We will have to get the proper certificate / background check for PA.
Luckily our application is processing
so far with no issue, no request for additional documents yet, but since I am 100% positive we sent the wrong police check..... maybe it is best to just get started right away and get this stuff done so I can upload it the moment they request it to avoid further delay.
ECAS is showing "we do not need additional documents at this time"
Yet, I am positive we sent the wrong police check they will so surely require, according to data uncovered in my trusty link above.
(Can't wait for this to be over x 1million)