After 251 day Finally received Golden Email...I'm beyond excited and happy

*Thank You so much everyone for great support, knowledge...without you guys, probably I would be in crazy people institution

Special Thanks to
@bimale4bipeople @cansha @tobs @Prashant86_2000
*Had a Ghost update yesterday during the day and late evening we received long awaited email.
*We did contact local MP in January and they called back last week saying that eligibility is met, criminality is in process and security is not started and that it can take up to two years to finalize application, according information what cic provided to them, however, it took exactly a week to receive golden i do assume that MP inquiry helped to move our file faster.MP mentioned that they can call back in April to find out progress on application.
*According to 4 sets of GCMS notes file was left untouched since June 26..All the notes where identical...!Basically our case was collecting dust.