Hi Everyone,
I'll be applying in the first week of March. At that point I should have about 1,100 days of presence. Other than the straightforward stuff, is there anything we should be looking out for?
P.S. I'd like to vote in the election in October but that I doubt it will be processed in time.
Hi Yam, had similar timeline for PR as you & plan to apply mid March myself with 30 days buffer or so.
Here are some of the reasons why applications were returned (took it from another post). This could be a checklist in itself for new applicants as something not to forget
Also note that new Form CIT-002 has appeared this week on CIC website (updated Jan 2019), which rewords the confusing 9c question and police certificate required in case of 183 days or more
in a row (vs previously was 183 days or more, it was assumed that 183 days was over multiple visits)
1. no signature in the application form
2. no signature in the physical presence form
3. not writing the same date of application form and physical presence form
4. not writing the SIN
5. not writing full five years address and employment/school name
6. not writing name of photo studio back of the photo and not dated & adding name of applicant
7. not tax filed tax return last three years and not meet physical presence in Canada 1095 days
8. if application is return question 3 in the form must say NO and write a cover letter why was return