yes you should probably do that 
One more question.
I've received recently my golden email (Ready for visa)
"The processing of your application for permanent residence in Canada is almost complete. You must complete the following steps within 30 days in order for our department to issue your Confirmation of Permanent Residence and, if applicable, permanent residence visa. If for any reason you are not able to meet this deadline, please inform us immediately by email to: with details concerning your situation".
Little issue is that I bought and paid my trip from Canada to Cuba for 2 weeks. I have my work visa, and I am still within these 30 days deadline to send my passport but is it ok that I am flying back and forward, while application of permanent residence haven't been completed. I don't have time to send my passport and to receive PR visa to do landing from Cuba. I am going to do it from US (I am in Vancouver, its not the problem at all to do landing)
thank you