bro did u enquiry about part time jobsNo friends no family.. Clg has dli number and provides pgwp aur kya chahiye
yes i got..did you enquiry about part time jobs, accommodationanyone who got isi college montreal offer with may 2019 intake ?
Je tuc apply nahi krea ta bhul ke b na kreo.Canada aake pta lagda ke es college ch work permit lai problem aaundi.utto tuc change b ne kr skde becasue ehna di non refundable policy aa.Apply krta ke krna ? Course kehra naale ?
Are you student in this college ?Je tuc apply nahi krea ta bhul ke b na kreo.Canada aake pta lagda ke es college ch work permit lai problem aaundi.utto tuc change b ne kr skde becasue ehna di non refundable policy aa.
My sister is student of this college. We are trying to get refund what they are totally fraudAre you student in this college ?
Kive kuch explain tan kro ke fraud kive ne.. Aaj tan january intake shuru hoya foreign students lyi first Time.. Workpermit ch kive panga hogya.. Kuch v na boli jao yaarMy sister is student of this college. We are trying to get refund what they are totally fraud
Bro pehle toh visa lgje.. Part jobs toh baad mein dekhin jayenge.. Mil ki jayengi dont worrybro did u enquiry about part time jobs
Please explain k ki hoya? ?My sister is student of this college. We are trying to get refund what they are totally fraud
Tuhdi Sis kdu gyi c is college ch?Kive kuch explain tan kro ke fraud kive ne.. Aaj tan january intake shuru hoya foreign students lyi first Time.. Workpermit ch kive panga hogya.. Kuch v na boli jao yaar