Hey June family..By the Grace of God and support of all the people here and in CIC

I received my PPR today...
ITs PPRRRRR Guysss.... YYYyaayyyyy.....
Tahnkful to all of you and I seriously hope that all my freinds in the forum Get their PPR soon.
Here is my Timeline -
Started thinking about Canada Jan 18 (was thinking something else before that)
ECA 26.04.18
IELTS Result 23.07.18
ITA 25.07.18
AOR 15.08.18
MEP 05.09.18
IP2/BG Started 26/25.10.18
Ghost update 22.01.19
PPR 23.01.19 (6.20AM IST)
VO OttawaNever Got my GCMS, Called CIC multiple times, CSE remained generic and never got a reply from CIO or CPC, Security not started until my last conv. mid Jan.
Friends waiting for their PPR, You will also get it soon. Thank God.