In December i've reada french forum from a person who was like a week over (Aug 20, and they were treating Aug 26) that what was indicated on the website (work permit extention) and he still haven't heard a thing. Then he filled out a web form to get that checked. Quickly the responded like the OWP was cancelled because he already got PR. BUT his status of the PR didn't indicate that. So he called IRCC for the PR. They told ihm then that he doesn't yet have the PR, but that some did a mistake an cancelled the OWP for him by "error"!! They would not have noticed it, if he would not have contacted them!
So maybe you should give it a try and fill out a web form if you haven't yet...
Good luck!
Yeah I called yesterday and was told that an agent accessed and reviewed the file on January 2 but then didn't finalize it or anything. She also said that until the agent goes back and finishes the reviewing, there is nothing she can do as the agent didn't leave any notes or details on the reason why the file was not finalized and asked me to call back on Monday if I still haven't got it yet. So I am planning to give them an extra day and call them on Tuesday.
If it was approved, datewise, January 2 actually makes sense as the applicants from my timeline pretty much all got theirs either before or around January 2.
The other reason why I am waiting until Tuesday is that
@xander88's OWP approval took 125 days and my 125th day will be on Tuesday.
So hopefully, I'll be updating you guys with the good news by then.