BF = bonafide. It seems that while they think the relationship appears genuine, they want a closer review to make sure, which will probably be an interview.Do you know what exactly "Elegibility Assesment" covers? I got my notes and so far my husband is approved as sponsor, medicals are passed and eligibility is in process. According to them we showed enough proof of intent and the also stated "proof of relationship has been reviewed and appears to be bonafide". They added LA as a secondary office and also sent our app over there for further review. I don't know why specifically they sent it for. If it is to keep reviewing our relationship or something else that for them is also part of elegibility. One last thing. Before sending it to LA they also stated "closer review required to stablish BF." However, I don't know what exactly they meant tho. I am not from the U.S. but currently living in NY with my husband.