Thanks Scylla, is it possible to do all on my own or would it be advisable to get a immigration lawyer to
Good day Scylla,
Thanks so much for the info, i have however done a free consultation with David Cohen here is his response below.
I have sent them the link you sent me, and asked them why is it that they say they will be unsuccessful, i am still awaiting their response, but i am now rather despondent, and very skeptical about going ahead with anything at this point as you must know it cost lots of money obtaining all the requirements.
Question, is it possible for me to do it on my own or will i require a immigration lawyer?
Dear Kelly,
Thank you for your email, and the interest that you have shown in Canada. I have carefully reviewed the information you sent to me.
Sadly, I must now say it is my opinion that I would not be successful in representing your application for Canadian Immigration, unfortunately.
Please keep in mind that this is only my opinion, and may not reflect the actual decision of a Visa Officer.
However, my best advice at this time is for you to obtain a Canadian job offer. A job offer will not only improve your qualifications for Canadian Immigration, it will also give you options to get to Canada sooner and better prepare yourself for life in Canada.
You can begin your search for work in Canada on Canadavisa's free Job Search Tool at:
I also invite you to join the CanadaVisa facebook community (, where you can stay up to date with Canadian immigration and interact with other people who are interested in immigration to Canada.
I would like to wish you the best of luck with all of your endeavours.