notes were not at all useful really. No scheduled date for security to start (not even a random timeline that I know is going to be busted anyways), no b/f to 2019 though in point of fact it has been so maybe best to acknowledge it, and no idea when the file will move next. In fact, even my latest notes as of 27Nov18 say that security was expected to be touched on 10th Aug 2018 just as Criminality was. Two sets of GCMS notes since, security still carries such a backdated entry that it’s no use ordering a fresh set of GCMS notes at all

On the bright side, the due date for Criminality was updated from 10Aug18 to 26Oct18 and it was passed on the same date. Ah well, the notes are at least satisfactory from a cross-check aspect - they help us confirm in writing what we’ve already learnt by speaking to call agents