This made me laugh.
We (human beings) are wired to find a pattern or rational for something which is not in our control. So, I have heard various explanations since July/ August why things may be a little slow. Sometimes it was that they were off for their thanksgiving long weekend, then it was because it was time for student visas, then it was the tourist visas backlog, in between it was because there was influx of refugee applications and now it is the festive season (But this one is the most plausible) ...
I had trend of slowdown when I started tracking data on weekly basis. It was quite apparent then.
Don't think any further proof is needed for slowdown but if anyone is looking for that, here is a tidbit.
For September the PPR %age till now (almost end of month 3 for them) is at 6% (as per Immitracker data). This number for June, Jul, Aug at end of their respective 3 month was 18-20%. It is just mind boggling.
Well, time has passed for remaining June candidates but I think unless there is something really dramatic we are heading towards a long waiting game for incoming candidates and high level of distress. And if IRCC thought implementing a progress bar will help them having less queries it is not going to work. I can see in Sep thread people starting to reach out to CIC call center. And it will continue to happen because there will always be few lucky people who will get PPR really early and no amount of "every file is different blah blah..." will calm the nerves of many candidates who will see people with similar timeline or AOR much beyond theirs getting their PPR.
I think January may be a good indication of things to come. Let's hope atleast for June candidates this is a good January and hopefully for some a good 31st Dec.