Also, if are using US, the return trip to US will cost $60 or more..... you need to manipulate the system so that it will charge you around $37

1) From you account generate the return label for $60. Remember for the onward trip you can put the value of your documents at $1 and use the coupon code "EASY", but for the return trip the system does not let you put any value for you package neither does it let you use the coupon code. Just ignore it and generate the label.
2) From your account go to your shipping history, check the box next to return label and click ship again
3) Check all details......For example, check the "no commercial value" box, put "documents and passports", in description, weight as .5 lb and then apply the coupon code "EASY". That's it. your total will now come down to around $37

. I put .5 lb as the weight because, that is the max allowed weight for the envelope. I observed if I enter the weight as .4 lb, the price was around $4 less. But as I was sending 2 passports and did not want to take a chance, I put the weight as .5 lb. At the UPS store they weighed my envelope and the weight including the return envelope was .2 lb. I am not recommending anything from the weight perspective, but choose wisely.
4) Don't forget to void the original return shipment, otherwise you will be double charged.

5) For the initial return label, they will charge your CC. But for the hacked label you can't pay using your CC. The system does not take it. In the payment option put pay using my account (or something similar). This way you would get charged only when IRCC ships the document and you would get a bill later.
Look at my tracking info below, it has cleared customs in the US with no commercial invoice.
In Transit 12/22/2018 7:58 Tampa, FL, United States
Arrival Scan
12/22/2018 6:05 Louisville, KY, United States Departure Scan
12/22/2018 5:45 - A late flight has caused a delay. We will update the delivery date as soon as possible.
12/22/2018 2:25 Louisville, KY, United States Import Scan
12/22/2018 1:42 Louisville, KY, United States Arrival Scan
12/21/2018 23:22 Mirabel International Airport, QC, Canada Departure Scan
12/21/2018 20:50 Mirabel International Airport, QC, Canada Arrival Scan
12/21/2018 19:30 Ottawa, ON, Canada Departure Scan
12/21/2018 18:08 Ottawa, ON, Canada Export Scan
Past Event Shipped 12/21/2018 18:08 Ottawa, ON, Canada
Origin Scan
Past Event Label Created 12/09/2018 17:51 Canada
Order Processed: Ready for UPS