had a question around the work history to list in the express profile.
I have about 9 years of work experience as a software engineer, I worked in 3 different companies.
However I worked in the same company for the past 5.5 years. Since the points for "foreign experience" are the same for 3+ years of experience, I was considering to only list this last company in the Work History of the express profile, so that I would only have to get 1 job letter. Is this right?
Also, I stayed in the same company however I moved within different organizations in different cities and got promoted to more senior positions in the past year. Should I list each of my move with exact dates or is it fine just a single entry? If I list each entry, should I get a job letter from each manager or it's enough 1 for all?
Last question is about my wife that would be added as dependent, she has some work experience but since it doesn't add any points I was hoping to not add it so that I would not have to get any job letter in cases it was needed. This should be fine as well right?
Thanks in advance,
had a question around the work history to list in the express profile.
I have about 9 years of work experience as a software engineer, I worked in 3 different companies.
However I worked in the same company for the past 5.5 years. Since the points for "foreign experience" are the same for 3+ years of experience, I was considering to only list this last company in the Work History of the express profile, so that I would only have to get 1 job letter. Is this right?
Also, I stayed in the same company however I moved within different organizations in different cities and got promoted to more senior positions in the past year. Should I list each of my move with exact dates or is it fine just a single entry? If I list each entry, should I get a job letter from each manager or it's enough 1 for all?
Last question is about my wife that would be added as dependent, she has some work experience but since it doesn't add any points I was hoping to not add it so that I would not have to get any job letter in cases it was needed. This should be fine as well right?
Thanks in advance,