I think you guys are looking at average processing time in a wrong way. A handful of applications get processed in a month, a good number of applications in first four months. So to 'meet' the average criteria, CIC can take upto 9-12 months and overall average will still be less than 6 months!
For example - if one application is processed in 1 month and another in 12 months, then 'average' time to process both applications is 6.5 months. For those of you who say 80% must be processed in 6 months, then see below example -
Mr.X - 30 days, FSW-O USA.
Ms.Y - 45 days, FSW-O USA.
Mr.A - 70 days, FSW-I UK.
Mr.J - 150 days, PNP-O China
Ms.K - 160 days, FSW-O India
Ms.B - 170 days PNP-I Philippines
Mr.V - 175 days, FSW-China
Mr.C - 180 days, FSW-Brazil
Mr.Z - 350 days, PNP-I USA
Mr.H - 450 days, FSW-O China
Average? 178 days.
80% done before 6 months? Yes.
The outliers are so skewed it really doesn't give clear picture and those 20% could face wait for months.