Dear all, I have taken IELTS twice, with the following results: R 9, L 8.5, S 7.5, W 6.5 and R 8, L 9, S 7.5, W 6.5, and so practicing for the third attempt.

Could you please comment on the sample essays below? Thank you in advance!
"1. Some employers want to be able to contact their staff at all times, even on holidays.
Does this development have more advantages than disadvantages?
A conspicuous tendency of reaching out employees during days-off has been reported recently. Nowadays, more and more employers wish their staff to be in touch even on their free time, causing both social and economic issues. These will be further discussed in more detail.
To begin with, the abovementioned phenomenon has a negative social impact. This means that would a person want to spend holidays or weekends with family and friends, or would he/she choose to do volunteer work, this will be barely possible if the employing organization or person continuously bothers them on their available days. As a result, the individual might face barriers while performing their social responsibilities. No wonder many prosperous and affluent countries force companies provide employees with regular and fixed vacations.
Another facet of this trend is the economic effect that may occur, whether workforce is disturbed all the time. Firstly, this would lead to labour becoming demotivated, or even more, wanting to quit their jobs. Such a development of events would upsurge turnover rates within the labour market and would hurt the economy dramatically. Secondly, the less available time an individual has, the more tired and less efficient he/she gets. In terms of business this can raise cost of goods offered by companies, also resulting in inflation. For example, a recent study conducted by Harvard Business School has shown that a properly managed work-life balance increases efficiency and effectiveness at work.
To conclude, in my opinion demerits of connecting to the staff on holidays do exceed the merits and can end up with a negative effect both from social and financial perspectives.
2. Some people think that the advantages of advertising sports products through famous sports players outweigh the disadvantages. To what extent do you agree?
It is generally accepted that despite the drawbacks of advertising sport merchandises with the help of well known athletes, this phenomenon has a beneficial impact both on the society and the sports players. In my opinion, the pro’s of promoting sports-related items in such a manner do overweigh the con’s for many reasons discussed below.
To begin with, the abovementioned way of advertisement campaigns stimulate the sales of sports goods in various ways. Firstly, a sports star will more likely raise awareness on sports goods, compared to an average individual. It is highly probable that a familiar athlete will draw people’s attention and will therefore upsurge the chances of the product to be sold. Secondly, it is worth mentioning that many children and teenagers get inspired by success stories of famous athletes and wish to follow their examples. This, with no doubt, leads to an increase in the sales of the promoted product.
Besides the aforementioned effects, this type of marketing strategy has a beneficial impact on the athletes, too. In other words, not only the target auditorium of the player gets to know the offered product, but also those, who didn’t previously know the celebrity will start getting interested in finding out, who the person is. For example, such famous soccer players as David Beckham and Pele are nowadays popular among non-soccer fans due to the marketing events they participated in.
To conclude, I believe that the involvement of a known sportsperson in advertisement of a sports item is a positive event, which both the selling companies and the ad person themselves can benefit from."
@cansha @H0peAndFa1th