@Rijo02 I still haven't got my PPR. Actually I have so much work that I have been unable to put my mind on anything else. Everyday I am in the office till around 9 PM and then I am out of the house by 7:30 AM. The schedule is so hectic that I have almost forgotten about PPR.
Regarding PPR request: I got my GCMS notes around 20 days back and they are not encouraging at all. eligibility is review required; criminality: not started.
They have deducted points for my age. My age increased between ITA and EAPR. It is clearly mentioned on the ITA letter that points will
not be taken away for age increase between ITA and EAPR, but the analysts did. Next the analyst has mentioned that my Indian goverment work experience can not be verified.He also notes that I have stated that I did the govt job betweenn Jul12 - Nov 13 but the reference letter says that I have worked til April 13. When I read this I felt bad for the reviewing officer. He is so uninitiated to the society around him that he does not even know that there are different date formats used around the world. The letter from the Indian govt has the date in dd/mm/yyyy format. So November 4th 2013 would be 04/11/2013. The analyst has interpreted this date to be April 11th 2013. He did not even even bother to see the date format used everywhere else in the letter. For example the starting date for this employment is 25/07/2012. Now, I am not sure in whose calendar 25 can be the value of a month

. In a nutshell the analyst put review required on my case and took away points for age and my first job which made by CRS score drop like a cliff.
Only thing that I have still not been able to figure if the analyst had concerns about my India job why the VO asked for additional proof for my US job