%age statuses by month as per Immitracker. Based on my past experience on reaction to this post will start with following disclaimer points

- Yes the immitracker data may not be accurate. As we all know not everyone updates the data there. But I think it is okay. In practical world decisions are taken everyday based on a sample of a data set.
- If you feel - “Oh I could list N reasons the data is not the right sample" … well yeah I know that BUT unless someone can give us better data, this is all we have. So let’s make peace with it.
- Immitracker ignores inactive cases. And yes it does impact %ages. However, I think immitracker is correct in ignoring inactive cases.
- I stand corrected on above. On 9th October there were a lot of cases which went inactive and hence were messing up the %age trends. I was not tracking active cases on regular basis as the numbers didn't change much. But to keep consistency I have now used active case number as on 21st Sep (as that is the only week I had captured number of active cases)
- Having said all of above, I think this data can still be used to see trends which are useful. The %ages may not be accurate but overall movement is definitely indicative of progress
- And lastly, if you disagree just ignore!
- I just have no words .. however wrong the data may be in Immitracker ... BUT the trend in June is really disappointing .. June is now lagging almost 13% compared to May at the same point.
- We really need 1-2 BIG weeks to make up.
- May and July are no better! May better than us but they have hit a standstill. July is even worse than us (at same point as June).
- Trending for August is still on track. Let's see if they slow down as well.
Have a great weekend folks!! May be the number improve Sydney, NS sends those PPRs in a bunch.
@cansha and other fellow members, I would like to add a few points of observation based on Immitracker data:
1. We are actually just 7-8% below May cause at 4 month mark they were at 45-46% and June is at 37-38%.
2. Infact April is in a worse shape.
3. CIC seemed most active in in Sep and Oct. PPR rollout rate has lowered substantially in November for some reason. Given the extension of Express entry program by 1 years and increase PR intake targets, significant improvement needs to be done and am sure it will happen but how soon is the question.
Guys, we have to bank on some data and Immitracker is the best bet that we have so lets not dispute the only data that we have. It takes efforts of many people to build this.