I am less motivated to check my status now. Its Saturday today and I bet there is no update.
Also, impatient me contacted the CIC agent and the agent was super pissed. She said-"I know you want your visa,everybody want their visa asap." Its recorded when you last speak to an agent and they use that on you saying - I see you contacted us last on this date-so please don't contact everyday cuz they will update the status if there is anything.
And she she sent a message to the officer on Sep 27 ( asking as to why the application is taking so long) and she didn't get an answer yet and she has to wait another 3 months to send another message). I'm LMAOOOO
p.s I contacted them after a week : ( not everyday.
I will post if i have any update. Please everyone who's applied in the month of August or earlier keep us all updated.
Also, not sorry for the long post.