That is great to hear you are expedited. But my personal experience with the expedited process was not good. I was expedited one month after application. They asked for more documents and I sent them in 15 days. Then I had a false hope that I will get the answer soon but for 8 months there was no news at all. 8 months! and I was checking the mailbox every day with hope to see the IRB letter. Finally, I called them several times and they said the caseworkers' group was changed and they canceled many expedited cases including me. The sad part is they will not inform us if we are still expedited or not.
Then I had a hearing scheduled and canceled and scheduled again and canceled and finally, I had my hearing.
I am not sure what is going on in IRB We have to wait and be patient and also we have to be ready for unexpected events too.
It is so difficult to live with false hope and then be disappointed.