CongratulationsEveryone, I have amazing news... Me and my husband received the golden email yesterday! We are so relevied and happy!
We saw a ghost update on the website on Friday morning and the email came in the afternoon.
We don't really know the dates, but here is what happened, approximately:
- we applied for CEC on Jan 14, inland;
- passed on Medical around Jan 23;
- on May 7 an officer called my husband, my husband's employer and my employer saying he needed to confirm the information for QA purposes;
- after waiting 6 months, I started to call IRCC every 15 days;
- we were stuck on criminality check for almost 2 months (I think it was because of the time of the year -study permits and related permits application time)
- never requested any notes;
- on Aug 28 I had to apply to extend my WP (it expired on Sept 1st)
- on Sept 7, ghost update on our online profile in the morning and PPR around 5PM;
- On Sept 7 after 5PM we stopped feeling frustrated and anxious, got better from gastrites and we were able to sleep a whole night again... Jokes aside, it was a painful waiting period but now it's over!
Wishing you all get you PPR soon!