Hi every one..... am a Nigerian seeking for asylum to Canada, for some time my friend introduce me to this travelling agent, who has promise to get me to Canada through asylum which he promise is going to be a success. One of the main challenge am having is getting to tear my passport on arrival to Canada, to get free passage after being held in a camp for minimum of six months. Please all i want to know is how it can be achievable through this means? Am a Nigeria leaving in northern part of the country, terrorist has held my home captive in maiduguri and it been hard trying to fight back, please forum all I need is your word of advice how can this be achievable through thismeans. Thanks for everybody in anticipation
Based on the information you've provided, the travel agent is trying to scam you. That is not how the asylum process works. Don't give him any money.
If you want to try to move to Canada as a asylum seeker, you'll need to move out of Nigeria to a different country. Once you are there, you will need to be officially declared as a refugee by UNHCR. UNHCR will then decide which country you will be resettled to.