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How can I verify my PR visa and application?


Full Member
May 16, 2018
Punjab, India

I'm preparing to file for Canadian express entry. My CRS is 440+.

The thing is I'm thinking of involving an immigration consultant. The reason for this is that, I'm a busy person and rarely get time and also its an everyday job for them which makes them an expert of this field and I also don't want to take any risk by doing it myself. They know how to prepare a file so that it won't create any obstacles. They know how to come out of an obstacle too. Still I have few doubts -

1. How can I know if an agent is legal or not? Is there any website from where I can check this? Although they all said that they are govt. approved and are licensed holders to do this job.

2. What should I ask my agent that will assure me he is the one I should choose for the job? Is there any ques. I should ask him like his previous clients or his license no. etc. or any other thing?

3. Although they all assured me that my application will be trackable during whole process. But after getting my PR visa how and where can I verify my visa? Is there any online portal by Canadian govt or CHC where I can verify my visa by filling Visa no. or passport no.?

4. Should I let a consultant do the job or should i do it myself?

5. What other things should I keep in mind during whole process so that I'll be sure that everything is going well.

Please help


Hero Member
Mar 30, 2017
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Just my two cents.

First of all, do the same thing everyday does not make one became expert without putting an effort into perfection. There are many cases where agents actually screw up the entire application and obsolete your precious ITA. Beware that CRS cut off will only going up just like the housing market, the more people the more of competition. And believe me, human population will not going down.

But if you don't have time to look into what suppose to be the most important life changing event your own. You can let somebody to do it for you. But don't expect they will care for it the way you care for it.
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Champion Member
Feb 22, 2017
First of all, do the same thing everyday does not make one became expert without putting an effort into perfection. There are many cases where agents actually screw up the entire application and obsolete your precious ITA.
But don't expect they will care for it the way you care for it.
Agree 100%

If you really want to go for a consultant, make sure the consultant is licensed by ICCRC. You can search their registry here


VIP Member
Mar 1, 2017
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In all honesty, the agent wont help you save much time because you will be providing all the information to fill in the form anyways. It takes a few minutes to fill the initial form and after that you ll have to get the documents yourself anyways.