Hi KhanCanada
Its good sign that they have accepted your Divorce from ExWife. May I ask what documents you provided them after having the Nadra Divorce Cerificate Dates Issue (Divorce Date, Conciliation and effective dates were same in your case if I am not wrong). Please let us know it will help me and all others in the same boat.
actually IRCC/LVO never raised any concern about my UC Divorce Certificate. I sent it along with my all forms to CPC-M.
But then they requested it again in Sept 2017 and i sent it again with some details.
They never asked me any question about dates.
Notice receive date and Conciliation failure dates were the same.
Divorce effectiveness date was 90 days after of Divorce notice received which is actually IRCC wants to see of 90 days were passed or not before issuing the DC OR for divorce effectiveness date.
also later i had arranged all 3 notices of reconciliation from the same UC just in case if IRCC asked me to provide but so far they didn't ask.