For financial support, can I write that my father will take care of my family in my absence whose average monthly income is around INR 40,000. Moreover, my wife is also working as a kindergarten teacher, but her salary is very less. Or I can left maximum to maximum INR 3 to 4 lacs in my account.
Do I need to show income proof of my father or wife with my bank account statement and in this case would one year course is not better because in the two years course, visa officer would be think more as compared to one year course. It is my perception.
Please reply as tomorrow is the last date for me to submit college fees. It is a tough decision for and thanks for your guidance.
I really can't really give you an option you on this.
It is a very personal matter.
One year study will get you one year work permit, whereas two years study can get you a three year work permit. Second option leaves the tricky situation of financial support of your family.
You can give as much info regarding financial security back up.......such as ownership of house, other property, rentals, savings. Joint property papers, parents property. You can even give information regarding your in-law's property and means of support.
Its complicated and time is a constraint otherwise I would have assessed your case better. Please do note that I am in no way qualified to advise you and am doing it from my personal experience as I have seen applicants being misguided by Agents.....and I offer free advice to applicants, when I can, just because I want tot help them to be successful.