No, it just favours those that earn more than LICO which is the whole point of LICO to begin with. You can make $5K over LICO or $5 Million over LICO, the chances to sponsor your parents is the same.
Well the LICO during processing becomes a sort of moving target if you get what I am trying to say.
In a way that's not quite fair. When people apply they are told they need XYZ income for years ABC. But then later on the susbequent LICO requirements are not even known yet for the next 2 years.
Additionally, this is not told to applicants to begin with. So many will get blindsided by this. For those who barely make the LICO requirements and then be told they need more for the next 2 years......I can imagine many will be very upset. Do these people get back their $550?
I don't think they should have people need to meet next 2 years LICO requirements. It's not fair. It should all be based on what you have at point of application.
Otherwise they should improve the system and lay out LICO for past 3 years and also state that in next 2 years will also require LICO +X%. Let people know. So that if you know your job situation is shaky you might choose not to apply. Or if you barely meet the requirements and know that next year you wont meet LICO+X% then they wont apply as well.
The way I see it, there must be hundreds that meet requirements now, apply and then don't meet requirements again next year or the year after. What a waste!