So I have a question and perhaps those who have already done the exam and have seen this question on there can give a far more accurate answer.
So for the question "How is the Prime Minister chosen?" I would have taught the most obvious answer would have been, "The Leader of the party with the most elected Members of Parliament becomes the next Prime Minister."

But apparently, that is wrong according to this one
website that states that "The Prime Minister is appointed by the Governor General."
From the book - Discover Canada
Page 29
The Sovereign is represented in Canada by the
Governor General,
who is appointed by the
Sovereign on the advice of the Prime Minister,
usually for five years.
Page 31
Ordinarily, after an election, the leader of the
political party with the most seats in the House
of Commons is invited by the Governor General
to form the government.
After being appointed
by the Governor General, the leader of this party
becomes the Prime Minister.
The GG appoints the PM and then the PM advises on the GG? A bit confusing if you ask me. Let me know please if anyone has seen this question on the test and gotten it right. Thank you!