If we receive information from IRCC or other sources that misrepresentation (including failure to meet conditions of nomination) may have been committed by an applicant who has been nominated, we'll conduct an investigation and send a procedural fairness letter to the nominee.Where does it says if i have to in form SINP about leaving my job and leaving the country? and how is it considered misinterpretation?
Following the review, if we find the nominee has misrepresented him or herself, we'll withdraw the nomination certificate or will support IRCC's refusal of the nominee’s application for permanent residency. The individual will be notified.
If misrepresentation is found to have occurred, an applicant or their representative may be banned from using the program for up to two years (or more, in the case of a repeat offence). Representatives and employers may also be subject to court ordered penalties under The Foreign Worker Recruitment and Immigration Services Act.
If we decide to maintain the nomination, we'll inform the applicant in a letter sent by email. We'll also inform IRCC.