Hi there, can you confirm the number you called is 888-242-2100 1 1 4 1 or 888-242-2100 4 0? Which option did you select? Thanks.I just spoke to a CIC agent finally and i was told that my application in Progress has not moved an inch since November (AOR October 25th, IP Novem 16th) as its in the local office in Edmonton and they are no notes or comments. I'm being told since i live in Fort mac which is considered a remote location it appears that i may have to wait till the schedule a test there and she is not sure when that would be although CIC website has February 2018 TBD. I am moving permanently to Mississauga in a few days though i own my fort mac home and can get whatever mails there.. Do you guys think it is smart to change my address or is Mississauga even worse of?? Thank you for your responses.