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Indian in Pakistan

Nazia Ali

Jan 22, 2018
I am a born Indian married to a Pakistani. I am staying in Pakistan and have 4year old daughter. I applied for the Pakistani Nationality in 2004 I got nationality certificate in 2015. For 12 years I was stuck in Pakistan. They refuse to make my daughers Bay form because I dont have a nic yet. They have blocked my husbands Nic saying that he is a Bangladeshi. For almost 13 years we are stuck in Pakistan. My visa States that I cant leave Karachi. I have applied several times for the nic but was rejected. I have all the nationality documents, my copy of Indian passport, my nationlity certificate, notices my husband received from the goverment stating that his nic is blocked. My daughter has no legal documents. I havent been to my country since 11 years. Since I don't have any id prove I cant get any job. We have been attacked many times in gun point, one time it was worst because they put the gun on my daughter. Seeking for refuge desperately.


VIP Member
Jun 8, 2010
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Passport Req..
You really have two options for claiming refugee status in Canada.

The first is to obtain TRVs (tourist visas) to Canada, fly here, and claim refugee status once you arrive. To be approved for a TRV, you do need to demonstrate strong ties to your home country, prove you have no plans on remaining in Canada long term and also prove you have the funds required to pay for your trip to Canada. I expect it will likely be very challenging for your family to obtain TRVs.

The other option is to be officially recognized as refugees by UNHCR. UNHCR will then select a country where you will be resettled (this may be Canada or it may not be - you don't get to choose). I don't believe you can be recognized as a refugee while living in Pakistan since you have a nationality certificate. This means you and your family would have to leave Pakistan and relocate to a different country (not India) - and be recognized as refugees there by UNHCR.

Nazia Ali

Jan 22, 2018
You really have two options for claiming refugee status in Canada.

The first is to obtain TRVs (tourist visas) to Canada, fly here, and claim refugee status once you arrive. To be approved for a TRV, you do need to demonstrate strong ties to your home country, prove you have no plans on remaining in Canada long term and also prove you have the funds required to pay for your trip to Canada. I expect it will likely be very challenging for your family to obtain TRVs.

The other option is to be officially recognized as refugees by UNHCR. UNHCR will then select a country where you will be resettled (this may be Canada or it may not be - you don't get to choose). I don't believe you can be recognized as a refugee while living in Pakistan since you have a nationality certificate. This means you and your family would have to leave Pakistan and relocate to a different country (not India) - and be recognized as refugees there by UNHCR.

Nazia Ali

Jan 22, 2018
For travelling I need a passport. Yes I have my nationality certificate till now havent received my passport and id card. Even my daughter who is a born Pakistani, they refuse to issue her id card. I have all my Indian legal documents. They said I will have to surrender my Indian passport to get the certificate which I made a copy and surrendered. They said my id will be issued on the basis of the citizen certificate and its been almost 3 years they havnt issued it. They even blocked my husbands id card.
I have my other and sisters in USA.


VIP Member
May 18, 2015
Obtaining a visa to Canada or the US (or anywhere else for that fact) will be difficult without a current passport. Can you get a new one through the Indian Embassy for you and your daughter? Not sure what you could do about your husband.


You're in a sticky situation.

Neither you nor your daughter are Indian citizens. You because you acquired a foreign nationality, and India does not recognize dual citizenship. Your daughter because her birth was not registered at an Indian mission within 1 year of her date of birth.

You should speak with a lawyer to see your options in Pakistan with regards to getting travel documents.

You should also contact the Indian high commission and see if you can reacquire your Indian citizenship. Also ask if there is any mechanism for your daughter to acquire Indian citizenship by naturalization/registration.

If you can acquire Indian citizenship, you'll be entitled to all the rights and privileges that come with the status, including access to an Indian passport.

Nazia Ali

Jan 22, 2018
If Indian embassy will issue me nd my daughter passport, which I don't thibj they will, but its will be a no no to my husband..as India-Pakistan doesn't have good relation..I will try to get a Pakistani passport myself. Then apply for the visa. I have been trapped here for the last 13 year. My sister is a USA national. My mother is in USA with a green card. I can also seekh USA for asylum. My daughter will be 5 this year I can't spoil her life

Nazia Ali

Jan 22, 2018
I took the nationality because we wanted all three of us to get on the same page. After getting my daughter's birth certificate we went to get her child id card. To which they refuse because I was an Indian they said first we want mother and father's id card then they can proceed the request. At that time my husband's id wasnt blocked. So I took the nationality and went to the office once again. They said my husbands id card is about is expire, so now first he needs a id card renewal. They sent if for processing and asked for my nationality certificate. It took them 1 year the verify my nationality certificate. So after 1 yr my husband got his id. Then suddly one day we got a mail that they are blocking his id card because they think he is a banladeshi, it was written that in order to unblock the id card he need to get a proof like land papers or somethibg from the 70s. So he went again to the office with all the papers of great grandfathers, luckily he had that. So they have given a time period of 30 days to unblock it.
I went to apply for nic they again sent my nationality certificate for verification. The funny part is of was verified when my husband has his renewal.


If Indian embassy will issue me nd my daughter passport, which I don't thibj they will,
You and your daughter are not Indian citizens as of this moment. Before you get an Indian passport, you first need to acquire Indian citizenship. The Indian embassy should hopefully be able to provide you some information on this.

Rather than trying to claim asylum, I would try to get Indian citizenship for yourself and your daughter.

Nazia Ali

Jan 22, 2018
I take Indian citizenship then I go back to India leaving husband behind this is not what we want. I could have done this when my daughter was born. I dont want a divorce. We are happy couple with a child.


You could explore other options such as moving to a Gulf country etc. Getting a visa at this point will be hard enough. Any application for asylum in any country will most likely be rejected.

At this point your primary concern should be acquiring travel documents, regardless of the issuing country. You're not leaving Pakistan without this.

Nazia Ali

Jan 22, 2018
Yes I am focusing on getting my passport first. I am going to consult a lawyer for this now. Hope I find some solution.