Please, I need guide on the following:
1. I plan to get a legal separation document after staying one year in Canada for am still new. However, I heard I have to apply for express entry as married cause I will be asked to show separation documents (I dont have it now) and also a letter of support from my to be ex husband before the children will be found admissible. What options do I then have as I dont want to apply for PR with him. My score at last time is 520+. I have not entered the pool cause am careful to not create problem for myself along the way.
As long as you do not have the legal separation documents you can not apply as a single person. So I would advise you get the documents before you apply. Since you are already in Canada together, I dont think you can say your spouse is non-accompanying.
2. Is it true we get police clearance from countries where you have stayed cumulatively 6 months? I have visited US many times but never stayed 6 months at a stretch but weeks and max 3 months. Do I need police clearance certificate from the US also?
Yes, you need PCC for all countries you have stayed in for 6 months+ cumulatively. So since you have only stayed in the US for a total of about 3 months, you won't need PCC.
3. WES is yet to complete my evaluation as they are waiting from my school to verify certificates? Can I go on and enter the pool since I have WES ref no and am sure ECA will be completed before the expiration of the 90 days given to apply.
No, you must wait for the actual ECA report as you will need the report date as well. Entering the pool without it is misrepresentation and can lead to a 5 year ban.
Thank you.