My wife just got "randomly selected" for the "quality assurance exercise". We have had minimal travel, have lived in the same apartment since arrival, and she's worked in the same provincial government job since about 2 months after arrival (almost exactly 4 years now). Based on that, I would say hers is a low-risk application that wouldn't normally trigger heightened scrutiny, so it may actually be random.
The questionnaire is a big pain in the butt, an unpleasant expense (cheapest fingerprinting available is more than $50 with tax, and RCMP and local police no longer do the fingerprints for citizenship - only if THEY decide to fingerprint you!), and we'll probably need to pay for some of the travel records from other countries of residence, if we can get them at all (former Soviet countries tend not to be very helpful with this sort of thing).
withdraw your application and reapply..get rid of this bullshit