I beg to differ.
Increase in a minimum wage won't lead to job loss. Though am not an expert , am well aware that an economy is a cycle. People need money to purchase , once attained they are more susceptible to purchase which was also emphasized in the article. Certain items which once wasn't affordable to low wage employees becomes affordable now , which directly proportionate to increase in purchase power thus gives the upward curve in an economy. In order for the country to thrive, there should be constant flow of cash between people and companies. If the cash flow witness any block, there would be collapse. If you cut the jobs, then less people would be afford to buy goods, hence the economy would tend to deteriorate sooner than later.
There is also a possibility that companies will increase the price of the product citing this wage structure, hence job losses again gets nullified.
Canada is not the only country which witnessed the increase in minimum wage structure. Just a google search will give you the list of countries which raised the bar and their employment opportunities still remains unperturbed.
If you are not convinced with my opinions I can understand it's because of my juvenile knowledge on the subject

. But you can be certain that, there were profound people out there who very well realize that job losses would cause certain inflation. I believe, the Canadian government wouldn't want that.
Stay optimistic.