Hey Gurik,
Just a question... my background check status is still in the 'being processed' category. I tried calling the helpline number a few days back but it seems to have been discontinued. Is there any way I can follow up from India? I've ordered my GCMS notes but they have yet to come.
I sent a CSE today but God only knows if and when it will be answered.
I'm trying to stay positive but it's turning more and more difficult by the day. It's now almost 7 months since my AOR.
Hi there,
I just called them yesterday on the same number, its working.
Which number you are trying? If its the same that I have mentioned in a post above then maybe try again, sometimes it does not work.
Its good you have ordered GCMS and raised the CSE, as you are far above the maximum wait time. Another option apart from calling is e-mailing both NDVO and Ottawa offices. One of our members got "approved" message for his file after e-mailing Ottawa. So you can try that.
I understand the worry and anxiety my friend, I know its very difficult to wait like this in the dark, but all we can do is contact them in every way possible, some route will give us some answer and most importantly have faith, most likely your file is close to be approved

Also I have just written a post above regarding delay for files already in IP2, read that it might help you understand the delay. If you have ordered GCMS after IP2, they will clear many thing for you. Now you have clear and almost fixed date for GCMS i.e 30-40 days from the date we order. Wait for that, most likely PPR will come before that

P.s- The number to call CIC and e-mail to contact Ottawa office is in a post on the previous page. Also try to call and e-mail NDVO.