There is a very practical reason, why they do prefer younger candidates - taxes.Ouch, sorry to hear about your long wait and the PCC and passport photo. Are you a US citizen or PR? At least we Americans can go through channelers who can deliver our PCCs in a week. Yeah, we have to keep updating our docs while we wait. While waiting on OINP, I have had to update my files with payslips twice a month and bank statements once a month. Did you already get all your employer reference letters? I have read in a few unofficial places that it's best that the reference letter from your current employer is no more than 6 months old. Mine was dated in August, so I hope I will receive ITA before February and not have to ask for the letter again.
Thanks for the kind words. I have had time to develop a number of skills because I have been around for a while. Canada wants younger immigrants, preferably those under 30 or not too much older than 30, because Canada's population is aging. So we 40+ folks need to do a lot more to prove that we can bring more benefits to the country despite our older age. Now I happen to be perpetually young at heart, really still a 20 year old who just happens to have been 20 for 20+ years, but unfortunately CIC has to compute my age based on my date of birth.
And those you are paying in 2 ways
- when employed / self employed
- and when buying goods and services in Canada.
It goes without saying, that younger applicants (but that are already well educated), have better potential on taxes payment. And while your salary will play certain role in the retirement money, amount of good and services, you have purchased does not. So it is preferable to have younger applicants, who are at the start taking junior position, while spending for the similar basic set (apartment, transportation, food, cloth) and actually being happy; than having an older candidate, who might tend to spend less foolishly and be less satisfied to start at low.
And also applications are evaluated individually, something would have to be put in place in order in challenge the general tendencies as which applicant profile is most prone to pay most taxes.
Another issue is, that being older many times means to be settled somewhere (house, family friends) and of course less willing to give it up for a new adventure. And if giving up, then in a temporary manner, while he or she is more prone to leave Canada and go back home, while still claiming the retirement money, but not using that much Canadian goods and services (those paid ones of course).
Immigration is a business just like any other business and it has little to do with any kind of a charity (except for the refugee streams).