Hi All ,
I had my Citizenship test and Interview today at Windsor Office.
Here is a quick brief of my experience -
1.) I walked into the office 15 min before my scheduled time. They let a group of people in . I counted a total of 9 people along with me.
2.) We were all given the test - The test was a breeze ( Discover canada helped out there )
3.) Post the test, all the candidates waited for about 20 minutes.
4.) We were called in the order of when we finished our tests and when submitted our test sheet. I was called in 3 rd.
5.) The officer was extremely cordial and pretty nice - I immediately relaxed out.
Note - I had more than 1600 + days . I commute every day across the border and come back the same day as I work in the states . ( I had over 1100 daily crossings over the last 5 year period) . As i had 1100 crossings ,my physical presence calculator was 90 sheets longs ,when i had submitted my application
a.) I had brought in a two sets of files - One set that contained immediate info and that I had to provide - My passports , Identity docs .
Along with those ,I also got my mortgage docs , my elder kids school report and my younger kid's birth certificate , CBSA report of crossings.
My passport was pretty colorful with multiple stamps and visas .( Had visited my home country 4 times as well and post every visit , had a stamp on both the canadian side and US side + Had a Europe visit on company related work for 2 weeks )
The second file was a bigger one - That had the US side details of crossings ,utitlity bills , medical records , US W2's , paystubs , Employment records , previous rental leases, bank stmts , credit card stmts ,physical presence calculator sheets . I had the second file in my backpack and the first file in hand with me.
b.) The officer complimented me on the organized manner that i had filed in my application ( i had post marked my files when i had sent it in with all the above details and i had color coded the set). I was also told that i had scored 20/20 on the test . i acknoledged it with a thanks .
c.) I briefly mentioned about my work and my commute across the border every day . She acknowledged it and then took my physical presence calculator and went over my absences and started to correlate it to stamps on my passport. Luckily I had created a 2 pager where i had .every stamp correlating to days out of canada with a reason for the trip , reference to trip on the CBSA report and . the related trip's stamps on the pages of my passport. I was able to assist on a couple of trips that was being looked into .
d.) I was asked about my second child's birth in Canada ,our home in Windsor ( If we owned it) + my wife who had recently started on job .
e.) After all of my responses , the officer was satisfied and made a number of notes in the file.
Finally i was told on what i wanted to hear - She was satisfied and i was ready to go on to the next step , take my oath .

I was told that i would get an email and it would be around the December timeframe . At this point , i was positively Elated
Overall the experience was wonderful and very professional. I was impressed by the organized manner of the entire process + I could see that they put in a detailed effort to understand the candidate 's situation ( i saw my entire file with all the ton of docs with the officer).
If you have satisfied all the criteria needed to get to the next stage , there is nothing to fear.
Note - I gave a buffer of of a number of days . I applied post 1600 + days to give enough of a buffer to ensure that every possibility was covered.
I have to greatly thank this form for the detailed notes from a number of members and the shared experiences that helped me along the way in drafting out a complete application .( Will be helping my wife and my elder son apply next as they are eligible now as well) .
As a suggestion , i would recommend to keep a detailed note of all the little things ( bills, payments, credit card stmts, bank stmts, crossings references from multiple sources - in my case ,had CBSA reports ,USI 94 reports , i maintained a weekly excel of my crossings as well and was able to cross reference everything clearly) - > This looks like a lot of work but once we had got into a weekly 5 min routine of quickly marking the excel sheet and getting bills organized , it simplified the entire thing , when i started on the process of applying and then attending the interview) . Hopefully this helps someone next in line
Good luck to all and God Bless.
Thank you.
Kris R