
and for sure..
Listening was my weakest spot, so for that I attempted countless tests on Youtube. There is a channel with name IELTSREADING, they publish a complete listening test everyday. That really helped. I used to attempt two - three tests on average each day. At first I used to earn score of 32 - 33 on average, but gradually it improved and I was earning 39 - 40 after a week.
Reading wasn't a problem for me at all and I was consistently good in it. In Reading test, I believe everyone struggles with True/False/Not Given questions. You basically need to read between the lines, and read it like, kind of a lawyer. I used to read the title, then the questions and then the passage, by doing this, firstly, I had an idea what I am actually looking for, and once I find matching or contradicting statement, I used to read the question or statement again to verify if the statement in the passage, and the statement asked are the exact match or exact opposite of each other (words can be different, but meaning should be one of the two), if it's a yes then it's either True or False, otherwise, mark it a NG straight away.
For Speaking, honestly I never prepared. I used to score 7 - 7.5 every time without any preparation so I just kept it as it was. I never urged to score more in it as 7 will do the job and I was confident that I can get a 7 which I did every time. However, if you are struggling with Speaking, again, there are many videos available on YouTube. You can have an idea on what kind of vocabulary you should use. Tenses and transitions between the tenses are important more than vocabulary I believe. My vocabulary is average (or below average) I believe, it's just ordinary but tenses worked for me.
Same goes for writing as well, however, in Writing, you need to focus on the length of the passage you write. Organizing your passage is very important. Again, my vocabulary is ordinary but my tenses are kind of strong. My handwriting is seriously shiite and only I can understand what I write on paper

... But, Writing ditches almost everyone (I fell short in it as well last time). I used IETLS material to work on my Writing. It's a website , managed by some people, they post Writing tasks everyday with sample answers of band 8 and 7. I used to attempt these, then I always compared my answers with theirs, and corrected/improved my mistakes. Many people take help from IETLSliz and IETLSsimon as well. I never visited them but I have seen many people benefiting from these blogs as well.
Hope it was helpful.